Cathy Osten


Cathy Osten



August 5, 2019

Sen. Osten: Date Set for Hearing on CT Port Authority

HARTFORD — State Senator Cathy Osten (D-Sprague), who on July 25 was the first state legislator to call for an informational hearing with the Transportation Committee to discuss recent and disturbing leadership changes at the state’s Port Authority, said today that a hearing date has now been set for Tuesday, August 20 at 10:30 a.m. at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.

“I’m glad to have a date where we can air some questions and concerns and try to right the floundering ship that is the Port Authority,” Sen. Osten said. “Five years ago we all passed a bill creating the Port Authority, hoping to better utilize our ports in New London, New Haven and Bridgeport. We’re talking economic and business growth here, and it’s not getting done. It needs to get done. This dysfunction will end one way or the other, I can guarantee you that. I want to thank the Transportation Committee chairs for quickly arranging this hearing.”

Sen. Osten’s request for an informational hearing came after the Connecticut Port Authority’s executive director was placed on administrative leave and the chair of the Board resigned. The state’s Port Authority was established five years ago by the legislature in order to best position Connecticut to make good on economic development opportunities at state ports.

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