Cathy Osten


Cathy Osten



January 30, 2020

Statement Of Senator Cathy Osten On The Lamont Administration’s Decision To Model Connecticut’s New Workforce Development Efforts On The Eastern Workforce Investment Board Model

“I want to congratulate Governor Lamont for today recognizing the wisdom and the success of the Eastern Workforce Investment Board and its CEO John Beauregard and their efforts to connect job seekers with local manufacturers. For years I have been attending EWIB meetings and touting their model and their successes. It’s one of the reasons why I noted last year that manufacturing employment growth in eastern Connecticut is four times the state average and twice the national average. It’s also why I will be joining John Beauregard and Congressman Joe Courtney on Monday morning to talk once again with Electric Boat in Groton to see what we as legislators and as job-creators can do to keep eastern Connecticut’s economy humming. Now this wisdom and commitment on job creation will be replicated across the state. It’s a good day for Connecticut.”

The Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board (EWIB) is a non-profit agency mandated through the Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. The EWIB oversees a network of workforce-related programs funded from a variety of sources including the operations of the region’s American Job Centers.

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