State Senator Cathy Osten (D-Sprague) told the legislature’s Judiciary Committee today that Connecticut needs to improve its mental health screening and treatment of inmates, including securing proper mental health treatment for certain inmates after release if they are to successfully reintegrate back into society.
Sen. Osten made her remarks at a public hearing in support of her Senate Bill 458, “An Act Concerning the Provision of Substance Use Disorder Services and Mental Health Services to Individuals Who are Incarcerated.” The bill calls for the state Department of Correction (DOC) commissioner and others to make written recommendations by January 1, 2023 for improving mental health and substance abuse treatment among Connecticut’s approximately 9,800 inmates.
“I believe that we need to strengthen our mental health assessments and reporting mechanisms in order to properly treat former inmates upon release and reduce the rate of recidivism across Connecticut,” Sen. Osten said.
Sen. Osten started working on her bill last year after she requested a review by the Connecticut Sentencing Commission concerning inmate mental health. The Sentencing Commission’s review found that more than 80% of incarcerated females and more than a quarter of male inmates reported some form of mental illness.
“Based upon my experience as a former correction officer, I believe the percentage of male inmates is artificially low because male inmates are less likely to self-report any mental health concerns,” Sen. Osten told Judiciary Committee members. She served in the Correction Department for 21 years, first as a corrections officer and then as a lieutenant.
When inmates are first admitted or transferred to a DOC facility, they undergo a health screening process. As part of this screening, inmates who meet certain criteria are referred for a mental health evaluation. The Connecticut DOC has five mental health classifications: Individuals classified at Levels 1 and 2 have no mental health history or current need, and they may be characterized as emotionally stable, or they may have a history of a mental health disorder that is not currently active or needing treatment by a professional.
But Levels 3, 4 and 5 are more severe.
About 3.6% of the overall inmate population (3% of men and 9% of women) are categorized as having a Level 4 mental health issue. This is a mental health disorder severe enough to require specialized housing or ongoing intensive mental health treatment; individuals are usually on psychotropic medications. This population includes individuals with chronic schizophrenia or bipolar disorders with frequent psychotic exacerbations who need medication and assistance with activities of daily living; individuals with borderline personality disorder with frequent suicidal gestures or episodes of self-mutilation, who, due to chronic mood instability and impulsiveness, require daily contact and support; and intellectually disabled individuals in need of assistance with activities of daily living and self-care. These inmates must meet with a qualified mental health professional at least once a week.
The deadline for Judiciary Committee action on bills is Monday, April 4.
The complete June 24, 2020 “Memorandum on Mental Health Care Need Classifications in Connecticut’s Incarcerated Population” can be found at:
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