Julie Kushner

State Senator

Julie Kushner

Deputy President Pro Tempore

Working Together for Progress

September 19, 2024


Thursday, September 19, 2024


Five years of perfect voting records, 2020-2024

HARTFORD – State Senator Julie Kushner (D-Danbury) achieved a 100% perfect voting record in the recently concluded 2024 legislative session, according to a statistical summary from the Senate Clerk’s Office: a perfect 338 votes cast out of 338 voting opportunities.

Sen. Kushner is one of only a dozen state senators – nine Democrats and three Republicans – to achieve a perfect 100% voting record in 2024.

Sen. Kushner also achieved a perfect 100% voting record in the 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 legislative sessions, and is one of only four sitting state senators to achieve a perfect voting record for the past five years in a row.

“I’m the chair, vice-chair, or a member of six different legislative committees. That’s a lot of work, and it’s a huge time commitment, but it also gives me a very broad perspective of the work that we do here in the General Assembly. That makes it easier for me to have knowledge of, and to vote for, the bills that come before me,” Sen. Kushner said. “I was elected to represent the residents in my district, and the most important way of doing that is to vote on public policy matters that makes their lives better. While I made sure I cast every vote, this was a personally difficult year for me because I lost my dear brother to cancer during the legislative session, and it made it difficult at times to balance my family responsibilities with my legislative responsibilities. But this is real life, and these types of things happen to all legislators.”

Some of the new laws approved by Sen. Kushner in 2024 include:

Aging in Place
Nursing Home Quality of Care
Virtual Currency Regulation
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
Disconnected Youth
Early Childhood Care and Education and Early Start CT
State Building Code and Fire Safety Code Amendments Affecting Residential Housing Projects
Teacher Certification Changes
Absentee Ballots
Solar Facilities
PFAS Regulation
Railway Pesticide Applications
Notice of Rent Increases
Coronary Calcium Scan insurance coverage
Paid Sick Leave
Deaf, Deafblind, or Hard of Hearing Services
Wheelchair Repair
Automated Traffic Enforcement
Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with a Permanent and Total Disability

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