Derek Slap


Derek Slap



March 11, 2020

Sen. Slap Welcomes State Funding For Local Road And Bridge Repairs And Capital Investments

HARTFORD – State Senator Derek Slap (D-West Hartford) today announced that the state legislature has approved a bill that will bring Bloomfield, Burlington, Farmington and West Hartford a total of $12.55 million over the next two years to spend on local road and bridge repairs and to make local capital improvements – thereby reducing the amount of local property taxes that have to be raised on town residents.

On a bipartisan vote, the legislature today passed House Bill 5518, which in addition to municipal aid also sets aside millions of dollars for projects like school construction, housing development and rehabilitation, bioscience investments, handicapped accessibility improvements, brownfield remediation, small business grants, transportation projects, school security, and more.

“A key rule of government is to create conditions that support public safety and economic growth. This legislation accomplishes both of those goals,” Sen. Slap said. “This is a responsible package of very necessary investments that benefit people both at the local level and statewide. I was proud to join the majority of my Democratic and Republican colleagues in the House and Senate in supporting this bill.”


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