Gary Winfield


Gary Winfield



April 6, 2017

“Here to Stay” Rally to Support Connecticut Immigrants Set for April 29

photo of Senator Winfield.

Senator Gary Winfield, House members, and leaders of labor and immigrant rights groups this week announced their plan to join the nationwide “Here to Stay” rally, the largest mobilization of immigrants and immigrant rights supporters who are fighting against mass deportation strategies.

“This isn’t just an issue of what we would call the ‘immigrant community,’ this is an issue for all of us,” Senator Gary Winfield said. “So I’m happy as a person who’s been elected in this state to represent not only my district, but all of Connecticut to stand with the people who are here today and also to stand with them in the very near future at the rally.”

Connecticut’s “Here to Stay” immigrant rights rally is on Saturday, April 29 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the North Steps of the State Capitol.

On that day, state and local leaders, activists, and others who support immigrant rights will gather in Hartford to defend the rights of Connecticut immigrants, celebrate the richness of our diverse state, and honor a safe climate.

In 2012, Senator Winfield introduced the Connecticut Trust Act, which put the state at the forefront of protecting our immigrant communities. The TRUST Act allows state agencies and municipal governments to submit to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)’s request to detain an individual only if there is a serious felony conviction.

“We pushed forward a law that said when I.C.E. comes in as a detainer, we’re not going to do anything more than we are actually required to do, offering protections to our immigrant community,” Sen. Winfield said.

The April 29 rally will be a blend of music, food and stories to call attention to the role immigrants play in the workforce and to pressure leaders in Washington into changing the rhetoric surrounding immigrants in the country.

“I think it’s important with what is happening right now, that immigrants in Connecticut recognize that there are people who are elected who stand with them,” Sen. Winfield said.

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