February 2, 2017

Here in Bridgeport people are being wrongfully targeted by the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) with predatory and discriminatory billing tactics. If a home has a small, overdue sewer bill the WPCA has been quickly moving to foreclose instead of finding a reasonable and fair approach to getting the bill settled. After foreclosure, the WPCA has then been turning a profit on the home by auctioning it off. In addition, the foreclosures seem to disproportionately affect African-Americans, Latinos, and low-income people.

Together with the state legislative delegation, the City Council, and local activists I am working to make this illegal.

People should be given an honest chance to pay their sewer bills. I will not stand for them being targeted and having their lives destroyed so the WPCA can make a quick buck.

To stand up against the WPCA’s wrongful foreclosures, please sign the petition below.

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